School Wide Positive Behaviour Supports (SWPBS) is a whole school approach to creating a safe and supportive environment. We utilise Positive Psychology principles to create a calm and orderly environment for learning and improving student outcomes. In 2020, as a Respectful Relationships Lead School, in collaboration with Eltham High, we supported a network of local schools to create of culture of Respectful Relationships within the SWPBS framework.
Our Matrix of expected behaviours was co-created by staff and students, and defines how our values manifest in expected behaviours across the school. Systems for acknowledging positive behaviours at an individual, class, house and whole school level are paired with re-teaching when errors in judgment are made. Teachers collect and analyse data regarding behaviours in the school to directly re-teach areas of concern and acknowledge growth.
‘We know, believe in and stretch ourselves as learners’
‘We are connected to ourselves and others and understand our local, national and global place in the world’
‘We have the courage and confidence to manage challenges and adversity’