Eltham Primary School 0143

Approach to Learning

A social-constructivist approach to learning

Cultivating positive relationships as the foundation for learning, our teachers incorporate evidence-based, inclusive and engaging teaching and learning practices to meet the needs of each individual student.

At Eltham Primary School we practice a social-constructivist approach to learning, where students collaboratively co-construct new knowledge and skills. We believe and practice a growth mindset for all in our school, where development rather than achievement is the focus. Learning should always be a challenge, with success both hard earned and celebrated.

Eltham Primary School 0204

Inspiring curiosity and creativity

Students are encouraged to make independent choices about their learning, from choosing their focus of inquiry to whether digital technologies will enhance their experience of a particular learning task. Inspiring curiosity and creativity, our teachers create stimulating, interest-based learning for students to bring their own ideas to life and be exposed to others that promote critical thinking and problem solving.

Eltham Primary School 0309

Ongoing assessment

Ongoing assessment through conferring and small group instruction complements reliable and valid standardised assessments. Teachers work in teams to collaboratively analyse student learning data, identifying individual learning goals for each student. Our teaching teams then collaboratively plan targeted lessons, ensuring collective ownership of all student learning. At the completion of learning units, teachers analyse data to determine the impact of their teaching in a constant cycle of evaluating their practice.

Eltham Primary School 0765

Unlocking new knowledge and skills

Digital technologies, metacognitive thinking routines and specific feedback are tools students use to unlock new knowledge and skills. Learning intentions and success criteria enable students to lead their own learning. For example, a problem-solving approach to mathematics, utilising co-constructed, evidence-based strategies and concrete materials to move from concrete to abstract thought processes.

Eltham Primary School 0201