Our Approach to Learning
At Eltham Primary School we practice a social-constructivist approach to learning, where students collaboratively co-construct new knowledge and skills. We believe and practice a growth mindset for all in our school, where development rather than achievement is the focus. Learning should always be a challenge, with success both hard earned and celebrated.
Ongoing assessment through conferring and small group instruction complements reliable and valid standardised assessments. Teachers work in teams to collaboratively analyse student learning data, identifying individual learning goals for each student. Our teaching teams then collaboratively plan targeted lessons, ensuring collective ownership of all student learning. At the completion of learning units, teachers analyse data to determine the impact of their teaching in a constant cycle of evaluating their practice.
Digital technologies, metacognitive thinking routines and specific feedback are tools students use to unlock new knowledge and skills. Learning intentions and success criteria enable students to lead their own learning. For example, a problem solving approach to mathematics, utilising student invented strategies and concrete materials to move from concrete to abstract thought processes.
Students are encouraged to make independent choices about their learning, from choosing their focus of inquiry to whether digital technologies will enhance their experience of a particular learning task.
Student Leaders
School Captains
Our School Captains and Vice Captains represent the students at significant school events, and meet regularly with the School Leadership Team to influence and inform school based decisions.
House Captains
The responsibilities of our House Captains and Vice Captains is to promote multi-age connections across the school through leading their House during school events such as sports carnivals and cultural days.
Curriculum Leaders
Grade 5/6 students have the opportunity to apply for one of our many leadership positions including Numeracy, Literacy, Inquiry, Sustainability, Stephanie Alexander Program (SAKG), Library, Science and School Wide Positive Behaviours (SWPBS).
The Curriculum Leaders are responsible for a team of younger students who collaborate, make decisions and lead initiatives to promote and advocate for their area of interest.
Student Networks
Our Kinder to Foundation transition program involves multiple on-site transition sessions, a Grade 6 buddy program which involves our Grade 5 students visiting local kindergartens, and personalised support for students with individual needs.
Our Grade 6 students regularly visit local high schools in preparation for the transition to secondary school. During Indonesian classes, students regularly collaborate with Eltham High School Indonesian students, both at our school and at Eltham High.
A feature of our school is the ‘Pop-up’ program, where Foundation – Grade 6 students run ‘pop-up’ activities on a five week cycle every recess and lunchtime. These Pop-ups are a chance for students to celebrate and share a skill or interest, and for others to access new and engaging activities. Past Pop-ups have included coding, dancing, debating, origami, meditation, soccer and even Pokemon (gotta catch ‘em all).